Monday, January 12, 2009

srilankan armyforce capture ltte,s dwell

Srilankan president Mahinda rajpaksa on friday announced the captuer of elephant pass , a crucial base of the ltte at the gate way of jaffna linking the peninsula with wanni. with this , the millitarty has taken total control of a9 highway

In a special address on state -nowned television , Mr rajpaksa dwelt on the significance of controlling the highway that linked the north to sourh and talked of an international conspiracy,
to belittle the victories of the forces against terrorism.

After the ltte lost kilinochi on january 2, the fall of elephant pass was widely anticipated.the millitary had lost the place to the ltte nineyears ago is one of the bloodiest battles, in which 359 soliders were killed and 2500 injured.

"similarly , bringing point pedro and devundara together
the a-9 route has been completely freed from the clutches
of the L T T E ".The govt shut down the high way in augest
as it had became a cash cow for the tigers.

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